This site is owned by PROTEE, registered under SIRET 404 445 629 0002 9 - APE 722Z (Computer), whose registered office is: 148, rue du Fbg St Denis 75010 PARIS - FRANCE.
PROTEE created this site to provide better information to its users. Thus, any commercial use and that even partial information presented can not be tolerated without the prior consent of PROTEE.
The entire site is protected by the laws on private property work. Therefore, any reproduction or representation can't be made without the written agreement of PROTEE.
Although PROTEE effort is made to create as accurate as possible, its liability site can under no circumstances be held liable for unintentional mistakes. PROTEE declines thereby releasing all the expenses of the information contained in this site, and links it offers.
PROTEE in accordance with the law "Informatique and Freedoms" of January 6, 1978, reminds you that all personal data collected on the site may be subject to computer processing. Whatever the data collection system used, you have a right of access, modification and deletion of those about you. (Article 34 of the law "Informatique and Freedoms").
You can exercise this right by sending an e-mail or mail to PROTEE.